Hinweis: Dies ist eine Dokumentation auf Entwicklerebene. Im Rahmen unserer Support-Richtlinie können wir keinen Support für Anpassungen leisten, sofern diese nicht über uns beauftragt wurden. Wenn du mit Code / Hooks und der Lösung möglicher Konflikte nicht vertraut bist, kontaktiere uns für Hilfe.
Enwikuna License Manager
Letzte Generierung: 21.11.2024 15:42:06 UTC
Filter Hook: This filter filters the setup wizard title
Quelle 1: setup-wizard.php :31
Filter Hook: This filter filters the heading title
Quelle 1: setup-wizard.php :77
Action Hook: This hook fires after the setup wizard first steps description
Quelle 1: first-steps.php :35
Action Hook: This hook fires after the setup wizard licenses content input
Quelle 1: licenses.php :26
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin statuses tabs array
Quelle 1: statuses.php :15
Quelle 2: class-elm-admin.php :514
Action Hook: This hook fires before the status output
Quelle 1: statuses.php :34
Action Hook: This hook fires during the statuses tabs output
Quelle 1: statuses.php :49
Action Hook: This hook fires during the status content output
Quelle 1: statuses.php :60
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin settings tabs array
Quelle 1: settings.php :15
Quelle 2: class-elm-admin.php :487
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin settings page title actions
Quelle 1: settings.php :35
Action Hook: This hook fires before the settings output
Quelle 1: settings.php :55
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin settings form method
Quelle 1: settings.php :65
Action Hook: This hook fires during the settings tabs output
Quelle 1: settings.php :81
Action Hook: This hook fires during the settings sections output
Quelle 1: settings.php :91
Action Hook: This hook fires during the settings content output
Quelle 1: settings.php :99
Action Hook: This hook fires after the settings output
Quelle 1: settings.php :114
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin tools tabs array
Quelle 1: tools.php :15
Action Hook: This hook fires before the tool output
Quelle 1: tools.php :34
Action Hook: This hook fires during the tools tabs output
Quelle 1: tools.php :49
Action Hook: This hook fires during the tool content output
Quelle 1: tools.php :60
Action Hook: This hook fires after the tool output
Quelle 1: tools.php :69
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin generators page title actions
Quelle 1: generators.php :13
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin licenses tabs array
Quelle 1: licenses.php :15
Quelle 2: class-elm-admin.php :426
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license page title
Quelle 1: licenses.php :35
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin licenses page title actions
Quelle 1: licenses.php :47
Action Hook: This hook fires before the license output
Quelle 1: licenses.php :67
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license tab label for the current tab
Quelle 1: licenses.php :82
Action Hook: This hook fires during the licenses tabs output
Quelle 1: licenses.php :93
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license tab label actions for the current tab
Quelle 1: licenses.php :108
Action Hook: This hook fires during the license content output
Quelle 1: licenses.php :130
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license activation add form method
Quelle 1: add.php :13
Action Hook: This hook fires after the license activation add label entry
Quelle 1: add.php :78
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license activation edit form method
Quelle 1: edit.php :34
Action Hook: This hook fires after the license activation edit label entry
Quelle 1: edit.php :107
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license overview add form method
Quelle 1: add.php :13
Action Hook: This hook fires after the license overview add customer entry
Quelle 1: add.php :92
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license edit form method
Quelle 1: edit.php :31
Action Hook: This hook fires after the license overview edit customer entry
Quelle 1: edit.php :128
Action Hook: This hook fires after the license overview expires at entry
Quelle 1: edit.php :162
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin generator add form method
Quelle 1: add.php :15
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin generator edit form method
Quelle 1: edit.php :26
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin generator generate licenses form method
Quelle 1: generate.php :24
Action Hook: This hook fires after the generator generate licenses customer entry
Quelle 1: generate.php :116
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin settings export form method
Quelle 1: export.php :20
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin settings import form method
Quelle 1: import.php :28
Action Hook: This hook fires after the wp environment system status report entries
Quelle 1: system.php :164
Action Hook: This hook fires after the settings system status report entries
Quelle 1: system.php :707
Action Hook: This hook fires after the system status report
Quelle 1: system.php :775
Action Hook: This hook fires after all the admin license product panel entries
Quelle 1: license.php :101
Filter Hook: This filter filters after the admin license key output
Quelle 1: licenses.php :42
Quelle 2: class-elm-admin-licenses-list-table.php :436
Quelle 3: class-elm-admin-license-activations-list-table.php :366
Action Hook: This hook fires before the admin license key
Quelle 1: license-key.php :30
Quelle 2: license-key.php :30
Action Hook: This hook fires after the admin license key
Quelle 1: license-key.php :48
Quelle 2: license-key.php :49
Action Hook: This hook fires before the admin licenses details email table
Quelle 1: licenses-details.php :32
Quelle 2: licenses-details.php :29
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin orders licenses details empty licenses text
Quelle 1: licenses-details.php :82
Quelle 2: licenses-details.php :55
Action Hook: This hook fires after the admin licenses details email table
Quelle 1: licenses-details.php :97
Quelle 2: licenses-details.php :72
Action Hook: This hook fires before the My Account licenses output
Quelle 1: licenses.php :31
Action Hook: This hook fires before the My Account view license contents
Quelle 1: view.php :49
Action Hook: This hook fires before the My Account view license create activation form fields
Quelle 1: view.php :85
Action Hook: This hook fires before the My Account view license create activation submit
Quelle 1: view.php :102
Action Hook: This hook fires when the My Account license activations table column don't fits
Quelle 1: view.php :181
Action Hook: This hook fires when the My Account license details table column don't fits
Quelle 1: view.php :276
Action Hook: This hook fires when the My Account license certificate details table column don't fits
Quelle 1: validate.php :112
Quelle 2: certificate.php :292
Filter Hook: This filter filters the orders licenses details empty licenses text
Quelle 1: licenses-details.php :73
Filter Hook: This filter filters the license email expires soon text
Quelle 1: license-expires-soon.php :48
Quelle 2: license-expires-soon.php :47
Action Hook: This hook fires when the email license key should be outputted
Quelle 1: license-expires-soon.php :62
Quelle 2: license-expired.php :62
Quelle 3: license-expires-soon.php :60
Quelle 4: license-expired.php :60
Action Hook: This hook fires after the license expires soon email text
Quelle 1: license-expires-soon.php :85
Quelle 2: license-expires-soon.php :89
Filter Hook: This filter filters the license email expired text
Quelle 1: license-expired.php :48
Quelle 2: license-expired.php :47
Action Hook: This hook fires after the license expired email text
Quelle 1: license-expired.php :85
Quelle 2: license-expired.php :89
Action Hook: This hook fires before the license key
Quelle 1: license-key.php :30
Quelle 2: license-key.php :30
Action Hook: This hook fires after the license key
Quelle 1: license-key.php :52
Quelle 2: license-key.php :52
Action Hook: This hook fires before the licenses details table
Quelle 1: licenses-details.php :32
Quelle 2: licenses-details.php :29
Filter Hook: This filter filters the orders licenses details empty licenses text
Quelle 1: licenses-details.php :86
Quelle 2: licenses-details.php :55
Action Hook: This hook fires after the licenses details table
Quelle 1: licenses-details.php :101
Quelle 2: licenses-details.php :72
Filter Hook: This filter filters the licenses email delivery text
Quelle 1: licenses.php :36
Quelle 2: licenses.php :35
Action Hook: This hook fires when the email licenses table including all details should be outputted
Quelle 1: licenses.php :49
Quelle 2: licenses.php :48
Quelle 3: class-elm-wc-emails.php :184
Action Hook: This hook fires when the shortcodes licenses table column don't fits
Quelle 1: licenses-table.php :83
Filter Hook: This filter filters the license protected post title
Quelle 1: class-elm-posts.php :59
Filter Hook: This filter filters the posts password form output to modify the output for required licenses
Quelle 1: class-elm-posts.php :150
Filter Hook: This filter filters the license update data
Quelle 1: class-elm-license.php :83
Action Hook: This hook fires before a license gets deleted
Quelle 1: class-elm-license.php :324
Quelle 2: class-elm-license.php :360
Filter Hook: This filter filters the pre modified product stock
Quelle 1: class-elm-license.php :651
Filter Hook: This filter filters the update order download expiration download permissions
Quelle 1: class-elm-license.php :699
Action Hook: This hook fires before the update order download expiration
Quelle 1: class-elm-license.php :725
Action Hook: This hook fires after the update order download expiration
Quelle 1: class-elm-license.php :742
Filter Hook: This filter filters the log handlers
Quelle 1: class-elm-logger.php :49
Filter Hook: This filter filters the logger log message
Quelle 1: class-elm-logger.php :150
Filter Hook: This filter filters the days the logger should retain the logs
Quelle 1: class-elm-logger.php :310
Action Hook: This hook fires before the plugin load
Quelle 1: class-elm.php :51
Action Hook: This hook fires after the plugin load
Quelle 1: class-elm.php :67
Filter Hook: This filter filters includes (function files)
Quelle 1: class-elm.php :127
Action Hook: This hook fires after the plugin is installed successfully
Quelle 1: class-elm-install.php :147
Action Hook: This hook fires if the plugin has been updated
Quelle 1: class-elm-install.php :163
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the creation of the directories and files should be skipped
Quelle 1: class-elm-install.php :242
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the update functions should be used
Quelle 1: class-elm-install.php :378
Filter Hook: This filter filters the URL to the plugin documentation
Quelle 1: class-elm-install.php :454
Filter Hook: This filter filters the support URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-install.php :464
Filter Hook: This filter filters the plugins core capabilities
Quelle 1: class-elm-install.php :566
Filter Hook: This filter filters the plugin tables
Quelle 1: class-elm-install.php :585
Filter Hook: This filter filters the custom plugin cron job schedules
Quelle 1: class-elm-cron-jobs.php :65
Filter Hook: This filter filters all formatted plugin cron events
Quelle 1: class-elm-cron-jobs.php :162
Filter Hook: This filter filters all cron job hooks from the plugin
Quelle 1: class-elm-cron-jobs.php :366
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the plugin is loadable
Quelle 1: class-elm-dependencies.php :197
Filter Hook: This filter filters the plugin slug
Quelle 1: class-elm-dependencies.php :256
Filter Hook: This filter filters all shortcodes
Quelle 1: class-elm-shortcodes.php :48
Filter Hook: This filter filters the shortcodes licenses table columns
Quelle 1: class-elm-shortcodes.php :217
Filter Hook: This filter filters the days the setting importer should retain the imports
Quelle 1: class-elm-setting-importer.php :70
Filter Hook: This filter filters the setting import data
Quelle 1: class-elm-setting-importer.php :216
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the provided import file should be checked if in valid format
Quelle 1: class-elm-setting-importer.php :236
Filter Hook: This filter filters the valid CSV filetypes
Quelle 1: class-elm-setting-importer.php :264
Filter Hook: This filter filters the setting import files
Quelle 1: class-elm-setting-importer.php :298
Filter Hook: This filter filters the setting import file path
Quelle 1: class-elm-setting-importer.php :317
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin help icon guide icons
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-help.php :124
Action Hook: This hook fires after the admin menu generators page
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-menus.php :76
Action Hook: This hook fires after the admin settings classes init
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings.php :63
Filter Hook: This filter filters the import settings URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings.php :161
Filter Hook: This filter filters the export settings URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings.php :185
Filter Hook: This filter filters all available settings export CSV columns
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings.php :202
Action Hook: This hook fires when a settings page gets saved
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings.php :252
Action Hook: This hook fires when a settings page was saved
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings.php :264
Filter Hook: This filter filters the current setting value (option)
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings.php :306
Action Hook: This hook fires when the settings type don't fits
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings.php :482
Filter Hook: This filter filters the sanitized settings option
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings.php :560
Filter Hook: Sanitize the value of an option by option name
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings.php :572
Action Hook: This hook fires when settings fields getting saved
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings.php :604
Filter Hook: This filter filters the settings update option
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings.php :616
Action Hook: This hook fires when settings fields are saved
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings.php :629
Action Hook: This hook fires when a setting gets outputted
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings.php :671
Action Hook: This hook fires when a section end gets outputted
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings.php :688
Action Hook: This hook fires after a section was outputted
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings.php :700
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin page tabs array
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-page-actions.php :50
Action Hook: This hook fires before an admin page action
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-page-actions.php :58
Action Hook: This hook fires the admin page action
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-page-actions.php :71
Action Hook: This hook fires after an admin page action
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-page-actions.php :79
Filter Hook: This filter filters if its a plugin page or not
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-page-actions.php :107
Action Hook: This hook fires when there is an admin generators view set but no view matching
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-generators.php :83
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the admin generators output view redirect should be done or not
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-generators.php :93
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin generators create license data
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-generators.php :449
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin generators create generator URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-generators.php :502
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin generators edit generator URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-generators.php :530
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin generators delete generator URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-generators.php :562
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin generators generate licenses URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-generators.php :586
Action Hook: This hook fires after the admin licenses classes init
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-licenses.php :52
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin AJAX process product search result
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-ajax.php :541
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin AJAX process order search result
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-ajax.php :566
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin AJAX process customer search result
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-ajax.php :591
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin AJAX process license search result
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-ajax.php :622
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin AJAX process generator search result
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-ajax.php :648
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the setup wizard should be enabled or not
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-setup-wizard.php :78
Filter Hook: This filter filters the current setup wizard step key
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-setup-wizard.php :173
Filter Hook: This filter filters the current setup wizard step index
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-setup-wizard.php :192
Filter Hook: This filter filters the setup wizard step index
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-setup-wizard.php :213
Filter Hook: This filter filters the setup wizard get steps
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-setup-wizard.php :230
Filter Hook: This filter filters the setup wizard step URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-setup-wizard.php :262
Filter Hook: This filter filters a setup wizard step given by step key
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-setup-wizard.php :286
Filter Hook: This filter filters the next step key
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-setup-wizard.php :321
Filter Hook: This filter filters the setup wizard error message
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-setup-wizard.php :345
Action Hook: This hook fires when a pro setup wizard step is detected and content implemented via hook
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-setup-wizard.php :368
Action Hook: This hook fires when a pro setup wizard step is detected and an action (handler) implemented via hook
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-setup-wizard.php :400
Action Hook: This hook fires before the handling of a setup wizard step action
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-setup-wizard.php :408
Filter Hook: This filter filters the setup wizard first steps list
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-setup-wizard.php :509
Filter Hook: This filter filters the setup wizard steps
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-setup-wizard.php :577
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin screen IDS
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin.php :82
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin additional screen IDS
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin.php :109
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin body classes
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin.php :191
Filter Hook: This filter filters all plugin admin navigation breadcrumbs
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin.php :210
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin navigation breadcrumb page data tile
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin.php :231
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin navigation breadcrumb extension displayed tab
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin.php :265
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin navigation breadcrumb extension tab view
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin.php :278
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin navigation breadcrumb extension view
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin.php :290
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin navigation breadcrumb admin page title
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin.php :312
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin navigation breadcrumbs
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin.php :328
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin header actions
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin.php :382
Filter Hook: This filter filters all pages
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin.php :413
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin licenses views
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin.php :435
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin generators tabs
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin.php :459
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin generators views
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin.php :468
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin settings views
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin.php :496
Filter Hook: This filter filters the current admin tool page ID
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-tool-page.php :94
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin tool migrator supported plugins
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-tool-migrator.php :55
Action Hook: This hook fires during the processing of an admin tool Digital License Manager migrator step
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-tool-dlm-migrator.php :150
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin tool Digital License Manager migrator steps
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-tool-dlm-migrator.php :171
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin tool migrator steps
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-tool-dlm-migrator.php :190
Quelle 2: class-elm-admin-tool-lmfwc-migrator.php :190
Quelle 3: abstract-class-elm-admin-tool-migrator.php :120
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin tool Digital License Manager migrator tables
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-tool-dlm-migrator.php :208
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin tool migrator plugin tables
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-tool-dlm-migrator.php :226
Quelle 2: class-elm-admin-tool-lmfwc-migrator.php :226
Quelle 3: abstract-class-elm-admin-tool-migrator.php :137
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin tool migrator create license data
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-tool-dlm-migrator.php :266
Quelle 2: class-elm-admin-tool-lmfwc-migrator.php :266
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin tool migrator create license activation data
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-tool-dlm-migrator.php :323
Quelle 2: class-elm-admin-tool-lmfwc-migrator.php :323
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin tool migrator create generator data
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-tool-dlm-migrator.php :376
Quelle 2: class-elm-admin-tool-lmfwc-migrator.php :376
Action Hook: This hook fires during the processing of an admin tool License Manager for WooCommerce migrator step
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-tool-lmfwc-migrator.php :150
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin tool License Manager for WooCommerce migrator steps
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-tool-lmfwc-migrator.php :171
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin tool License Manager for WooCommerce migrator tables
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-tool-lmfwc-migrator.php :208
Action Hook: This hook fires during the admin tool License Manager for WooCommerce product migration
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-tool-lmfwc-migrator.php :504
Action Hook: This hook fires when the admin email licenses table including all details should be outputted
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-wc-emails.php :146
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin licenses endpoint settings
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-wc-settings.php :74
Filter Hook: This filter filters the custom admin order actions
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-wc-orders.php :116
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the licenses should be displayed below the order line item meta or not
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-wc-orders.php :232
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin orders licenses creation order items
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-wc-orders.php :387
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin order item hosts
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-wc-orders.php :549
Filter Hook: This filter filters the allowed licenses per order
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-wc-orders.php :632
Filter Hook: This filter filters the order item assign stock licenses update license data
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-wc-orders.php :730
Filter Hook: This filter filters the generate order item licenses license data
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-wc-orders.php :816
Filter Hook: This filter filters the products product export column
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-wc-products.php :89
Action Hook: This hook fires after the processing of custom CSV fields during the WooCommerce product import
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-wc-products.php :384
Filter Hook: This filter filters the product import export columns
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-wc-products.php :597
Filter Hook: This filter filters the current license page ID
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-page.php :94
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license activations create license activation data
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-activations.php :228
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license activations update license activation data
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-activations.php :306
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license activations create license activation URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-activations.php :437
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license activations edit license activation URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-activations.php :465
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license activations delete license activation URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-activations.php :497
Action Hook: This hook fires when there is an admin license overview view set but no view matching
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-overview.php :106
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the admin license overview output view redirect should be done or not
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-overview.php :116
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license overview create license data
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-overview.php :262
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license overview update license data
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-overview.php :347
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license overview create license URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-overview.php :624
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license overview edit license URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-overview.php :652
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license overview lock license URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-overview.php :684
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license overview unlock license URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-overview.php :716
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license overview delete license URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-overview.php :748
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin licenses list table columns
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-licenses-list-table.php :79
Filter Hook: This filter filters the licenses table classes
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-licenses-list-table.php :243
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin licenses list table column default content
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-licenses-list-table.php :351
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin licenses list table status tip
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-licenses-list-table.php :649
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin licenses list table no items message
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-licenses-list-table.php :759
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin licenses list table bulk actions
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-licenses-list-table.php :784
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin licenses list table sortable columns
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-licenses-list-table.php :904
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin licenses list table process sorting
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-licenses-list-table.php :950
Action Hook: This hook fires after the admin licenses list table process bulk actions
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-licenses-list-table.php :1006
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license activations list table columns
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-activations-list-table.php :86
Filter Hook: This filter filters the license activations table classes
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-activations-list-table.php :238
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license activations list table column default content
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-activations-list-table.php :279
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license activations list table no items message
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-activations-list-table.php :486
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license activations list table bulk actions
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-activations-list-table.php :511
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license activations list table sortable columns
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-activations-list-table.php :599
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license activations list table process sorting
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-activations-list-table.php :640
Action Hook: This hook fires after the admin license activations list table process bulk actions
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-license-activations-list-table.php :681
Filter Hook: This filter filters the generators table classes
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-generators-list-table.php :208
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin generators list table no items message
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-generators-list-table.php :495
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin generators list table sortable columns
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-generators-list-table.php :556
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin generators list table process sorting
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-generators-list-table.php :597
Filter Hook: This filter filters the settings for a setting page
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings-page.php :99
Quelle 2: class-elm-admin-settings-orders.php :187
Quelle 3: class-elm-admin-settings-licenses.php :266
Quelle 4: class-elm-admin-settings-accounts.php :335
Quelle 5: class-elm-admin-settings-products.php :181
Quelle 6: class-elm-admin-settings-rest-api.php :184
Quelle 7: class-elm-admin-settings-distributors.php :147
Quelle 8: class-elm-admin-settings-general.php :163
Filter Hook: This filter filters the settings sections for a settings page
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings-page.php :116
Quelle 2: class-elm-admin-settings-rest-api.php :84
Action Hook: This hook fires before the settings output action
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings-page.php :160
Quelle 2: class-elm-admin-settings-licenses.php :106
Quelle 3: class-elm-admin-settings-accounts.php :107
Quelle 4: class-elm-admin-settings-products.php :71
Quelle 5: class-elm-admin-settings-rest-api.php :215
Quelle 6: class-elm-admin-settings-distributors.php :178
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the save button should be hidden or not
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings-page.php :171
Quelle 2: class-elm-admin-settings-licenses.php :117
Quelle 3: class-elm-admin-settings-accounts.php :118
Quelle 4: class-elm-admin-settings-products.php :82
Quelle 5: class-elm-admin-settings-rest-api.php :226
Quelle 6: class-elm-admin-settings-distributors.php :189
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the settings fields should be outputted
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings-page.php :182
Quelle 2: class-elm-admin-settings-licenses.php :128
Quelle 3: class-elm-admin-settings-accounts.php :129
Quelle 4: class-elm-admin-settings-products.php :93
Quelle 5: class-elm-admin-settings-rest-api.php :237
Quelle 6: class-elm-admin-settings-distributors.php :200
Action Hook: This hook fires after the settings output action
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings-page.php :198
Quelle 2: class-elm-admin-settings-licenses.php :144
Quelle 3: class-elm-admin-settings-accounts.php :145
Quelle 4: class-elm-admin-settings-products.php :109
Quelle 5: class-elm-admin-settings-rest-api.php :253
Quelle 6: class-elm-admin-settings-distributors.php :216
Action Hook: This hook fires during the saving of settings
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings-page.php :219
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin order settings
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings-orders.php :82
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin license settings
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings-licenses.php :165
Filter Hook: This filter filters the licenses host type options
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings-licenses.php :283
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin account settings
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings-accounts.php :170
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin settings accounts licenses page columns
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings-accounts.php :361
Filter Hook: This filter filters all admin product settings
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings-products.php :130
Filter Hook: This filter filters all admin REST API settings
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings-rest-api.php :106
Filter Hook: This filter filters all admin distributor settings
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings-distributors.php :81
Filter Hook: This filter filters the general settings
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-settings-general.php :67
Filter Hook: This filter filters the current admin status page ID
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-page.php :94
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status system report
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-system.php :67
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status WordPress environment details
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-system.php :152
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status server environment details
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-system.php :195
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status core tables
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-system.php :230
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status database details
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-system.php :279
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status security details
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-system.php :305
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status active plugins details
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-system.php :341
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status inactive plugins details
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-system.php :375
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status formatted plugin data
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-system.php :398
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status settings details
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-system.php :427
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status active theme details
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-system.php :493
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status timezone name
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-scheduled-actions.php :114
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status UTC offset
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-scheduled-actions.php :150
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status scheduled actions table classes
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-scheduled-actions-list-table.php :175
Action Hook: This hook fires when a custom link gets added to the row actions
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-scheduled-actions-list-table.php :334
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status scheduled actions list table no items message
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-scheduled-actions-list-table.php :351
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status scheduled actions table hook callbacks
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-scheduled-actions-list-table.php :388
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status scheduled actions populate callback
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-scheduled-actions-list-table.php :432
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status scheduled actions table process search
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-scheduled-actions-list-table.php :569
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status scheduled actions table sortable columns
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-scheduled-actions-list-table.php :588
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin status scheduled actions table process sorting
Quelle 1: class-elm-admin-status-scheduled-actions-list-table.php :620
Filter Hook: This filter filters the log file size limit
Quelle 1: class-elm-log-handler-file.php :60
Filter Hook: This filter filters the log file message
Quelle 1: class-elm-log-handler-file.php :138
Action Hook: This hook fires after a log file was deleted
Quelle 1: class-elm-log-handler-file.php :294
Action Hook: This hook fires after a log file download was triggered
Quelle 1: class-elm-log-handler-file.php :327
Filter Hook: This filter filters the log files
Quelle 1: class-elm-log-handler-file.php :518
Filter Hook: This filter filters the log file entry timestamp
Quelle 1: class-elm-log-handler-file.php :539
Filter Hook: This filter filters the log file entry level
Quelle 1: class-elm-log-handler-file.php :561
Filter Hook: This filter filters the log file entry message
Quelle 1: class-elm-log-handler-file.php :582
Filter Hook: This filter filters the formatted log entry
Quelle 1: abstract-class-elm-log-handler.php :45
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the account should redirect to a single license instead of showing a single one inside the list
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-account.php :136
Quelle 2: class-elm-wc-account.php :192
Filter Hook: This filter filters the account licenses title
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-account.php :150
Filter Hook: This filter filters the licenses to display on the account licenses page
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-account.php :339
Filter Hook: This filter filters the account license actions
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-account.php :444
Filter Hook: This filter filters the account view license activations table columns
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-account.php :471
Filter Hook: This filter filters the account license activation actions
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-account.php :503
Filter Hook: This filter filters the account view license details table columns
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-account.php :537
Filter Hook: This filter filters the account license certificate details table columns
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-account.php :570
Filter Hook: This filter filters the account view license URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-account.php :590
Filter Hook: This filter filters the account validate license URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-account.php :610
Filter Hook: This filter filters the account renew license URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-account.php :645
Filter Hook: This filter filters the account download license certificate URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-account.php :679
Filter Hook: This filter filters the account delete license activation URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-account.php :715
Filter Hook: This filter filters the account create license activation data
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-account.php :768
Action Hook: This hook fires after the account deleted a license activation
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-account.php :834
Filter Hook: This filter filters the account cart item data for the add to cart license renewal
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-account.php :931
Filter Hook: This filter filters the account license certificate website logo URL
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-account.php :999
Filter Hook: This filter filters the account license certificate filename
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-account.php :1036
Action Hook: This hook fires when a licenses email can be sent
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-emails.php :229
Action Hook: This hook fires when a license expires soon email can be sent
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-emails.php :294
Action Hook: This hook fires when a license expired email can be sent
Quelle 1: class-elm-wc-emails.php :360
Filter Hook: This filter filters the setting exporter export data
Quelle 1: class-elm-setting-exporter.php :85
Action Hook: This hook fires after the setting exporter exported a CSV and downloaded it
Quelle 1: class-elm-setting-exporter.php :109
Filter Hook: This filter filters the data store find query
Quelle 1: abstract-class-elm-data-store.php :117
Filter Hook: This filter filters the data store find by query
Quelle 1: abstract-class-elm-data-store.php :159
Filter Hook: This filter filters the data store find all query
Quelle 1: abstract-class-elm-data-store.php :204
Filter Hook: This filter filters the data store find all by query
Quelle 1: abstract-class-elm-data-store.php :255
Filter Hook: This filter filters the data store delete query
Quelle 1: abstract-class-elm-data-store.php :363
Filter Hook: This filter filters the data store count by query
Quelle 1: abstract-class-elm-data-store.php :455
Filter Hook: This filter filters the data store exists by query
Quelle 1: abstract-class-elm-data-store.php :496
Filter Hook: This filter filters the data store exists by query
Quelle 1: abstract-class-elm-data-store.php :748
Filter Hook: This filter filters the license key received from the DB
Quelle 1: class-elm-data-store-license-model.php :278
Filter Hook: This filter filters the missing DB tables
Quelle 1: elm-core-functions.php :144
Action Hook: This hook fires before a template gets loaded
Quelle 1: elm-core-functions.php :177
Action Hook: This hook fires after a template was loaded
Quelle 1: elm-core-functions.php :190
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the current action is an action on a plugins page
Quelle 1: elm-core-functions.php :223
Filter Hook: This filter filters the current page tab
Quelle 1: elm-core-functions.php :466
Filter Hook: This filter filters the current page view
Quelle 1: elm-core-functions.php :493
Filter Hook: This filter filters the current page section
Quelle 1: elm-core-functions.php :520
Filter Hook: This filter filters the user text
Quelle 1: elm-user-functions.php :36
Filter Hook: This filter filters the expert delete data uninstall mode to remove all data during uninstall of the plugin
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :23
Filter Hook: This filter filters the display status of the header actions
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :42
Filter Hook: This filter filters the display mode of the setup wizard after an update
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :61
Filter Hook: This filter filters the license key duplicates mode
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :80
Filter Hook: This filter filters the order downloadable product expiring mode
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :99
Filter Hook: This filter filters the product automatic stock management mode
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :118
Filter Hook: This filter filters the product stocks automatic synchronization mode
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :137
Filter Hook: This filter filters the product sell expired mode
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :156
Filter Hook: This filter filters the My Account licenses page mode (If the licenses page should be visible)
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :175
Filter Hook: This filter filters the My Account activate licenses mode (If the customer can activate a license)
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :194
Filter Hook: This filter filters the My Account deactivate licenses mode (If the customer can deactivate a license)
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :213
Filter Hook: This filter filters the My Account licenses renewal mode
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :232
Filter Hook: This filter filters the My Account license certificates mode
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :251
Filter Hook: This filter filters the My Account licenses page columns (The license columns shown at the account page)
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :279
Filter Hook: This filter filters the general display order item license details mode (If license details should be displayed within order items)
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :298
Filter Hook: This filter filters the general display expired licenses licenses page mode (If expired licenses should be displayed at the licenses page)
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :317
Filter Hook: This filter filters the general notification license expires soon offset
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :336
Filter Hook: This filter filters the order licenses mode (if licenses should be visible within orders)
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :355
Filter Hook: This filter filters the order licenses deletion mode
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :374
Filter Hook: This filter filters the order automatic licenses creation mode (If all licenses for an order should be automatically created)
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :393
Filter Hook: This filter filters the order automatic licenses creation status (The order status where the license should be created)
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :415
Filter Hook: This filter filters the order increase allowed license activations mode
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :434
Filter Hook: This filter filters the setting export CSV columns
Quelle 1: elm-settings-functions.php :455
Filter Hook: This filter filters the date format
Quelle 1: elm-formatting-functions.php :26
Filter Hook: This filter filters the time format
Quelle 1: elm-formatting-functions.php :51
Filter Hook: This filter filters if a license key exists or not
Quelle 1: elm-license-functions.php :44
Filter Hook: This filter filters all license statuses or just one in case a status is given
Quelle 1: elm-license-functions.php :84
Filter Hook: This filter filters all license types
Quelle 1: elm-license-functions.php :112
Filter Hook: This filter filters all license activation types
Quelle 1: elm-license-functions.php :140
Filter Hook: This filter filters if an order contains a license product
Quelle 1: elm-order-functions.php :36
Filter Hook: This filter filters the supported order types for licenses
Quelle 1: elm-order-functions.php :55
Filter Hook: This filter filters the order text
Quelle 1: elm-order-functions.php :95
Filter Hook: This filter filters if a WooCommerce product is a license or not
Quelle 1: elm-product-functions.php :38
Filter Hook: This filter filters if a WooCommerce product should use a generator to generate licenses
Quelle 1: elm-product-functions.php :66
Filter Hook: This filter filters the assigned generator to a WooCommerce product
Quelle 1: elm-product-functions.php :94
Filter Hook: This filter filters if a WooCommerce product should use the available license stock
Quelle 1: elm-product-functions.php :122
Filter Hook: This filter filters the UUID for a WooCommerce product
Quelle 1: elm-product-functions.php :150
Filter Hook: This filter filters the supported product types for licenses
Quelle 1: elm-product-functions.php :169
Filter Hook: This filter filters the product text
Quelle 1: elm-product-functions.php :250
Filter Hook: This filter filters the product IDs assigned to a generator
Quelle 1: elm-generator-functions.php :57
Filter Hook: This filter filters the valid for to expires at for a generator
Quelle 1: elm-generator-functions.php :87
Filter Hook: This filter filters the generator text
Quelle 1: elm-generator-functions.php :120
Enwikuna License Manager Pro
Letzte Generierung: 21.11.2024 15:48:59 UTC
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin distributors tabs array
Quelle 1: distributors.php :15
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin distributor page title
Quelle 1: distributors.php :35
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin distributors page title actions
Quelle 1: distributors.php :47
Action Hook: This hook fires before the distributor output
Quelle 1: distributors.php :67
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin distributor tab label for the current tab
Quelle 1: distributors.php :82
Action Hook: This hook fires during the distributors tabs output
Quelle 1: distributors.php :93
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin distributor tab label actions for the current tab
Quelle 1: distributors.php :108
Action Hook: This hook fires during the distributor content output
Quelle 1: distributors.php :130
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin releases page title actions
Quelle 1: releases.php :13
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin releases export form method
Quelle 1: export.php :20
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin release add form method
Quelle 1: add.php :15
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin release edit form method
Quelle 1: edit.php :30
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin releases import form method
Quelle 1: import.php :28
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin licenses export form method
Quelle 1: export.php :16
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin licenses import form method
Quelle 1: import.php :24
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin generators export form method
Quelle 1: export.php :20
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin generators import form method
Quelle 1: import.php :28
Action Hook: This hook fires after the REST API key fields
Quelle 1: rest-api-key-add.php :123
Quelle 2: rest-api-key-edit.php :171
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin REST API key last access datetime
Quelle 1: rest-api-key-edit.php :152
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin distributors export form method
Quelle 1: export.php :16
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin distributor add form method
Quelle 1: add.php :13
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin distributor edit form method
Quelle 1: edit.php :27
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin distributors import form method
Quelle 1: import.php :24
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin distributor code add form method
Quelle 1: add.php :13
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin distributor code edit form method
Quelle 1: edit.php :48
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin distributor codes generate form method
Quelle 1: generate.php :13
Action Hook: This hook fires when the admin email license key should be outputted
Quelle 1: new-trial-license.php :43
Quelle 2: distributor-code-redeemed.php :39
Quelle 3: new-trial-license.php :42
Quelle 4: distributor-code-redeemed.php :38
Action Hook: This hook fires before the admin distributor code
Quelle 1: distributor-code.php :30
Quelle 2: distributor-code.php :30
Action Hook: This hook fires after the admin distributor code
Quelle 1: distributor-code.php :53
Action Hook: This hook fires when the admin email distributor code should be outputted
Quelle 1: distributor-code-redeemed.php :51
Quelle 2: distributor-code-redeemed.php :52
Action Hook: This hook fires after the admin distributor code
Quelle 1: distributor-code.php :52
Filter Hook: This filter filters the product hosts description
Quelle 1: hosts.php :54
Filter Hook: This filter filters the product hosts additional info
Quelle 1: hosts.php :65
Filter Hook: This filter filters the account redeem distributor code toggle button text
Quelle 1: redeem.php :26
Filter Hook: This filter filters the account redeem distributor code button text
Quelle 1: redeem.php :36
Action Hook: This hook fires when the email license key should be outputted
Quelle 1: trial-license.php :45
Quelle 2: trial-license.php :44
Action Hook: This hook fires when the email trial license customer downloads should be outputted
Quelle 1: trial-license.php :62
Quelle 2: trial-license.php :66
Action Hook: This hook fires before the trial license customer downloads table
Quelle 1: trial-license-customer-downloads.php :32
Quelle 2: trial-license-customer-downloads.php :30
Action Hook: This hook fires after the trial license customer downloads table
Quelle 1: trial-license-customer-downloads.php :132
Quelle 2: trial-license-customer-downloads.php :102
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the default products request trial license confirmation should be enabled or not
Quelle 1: class-elmp-assets.php :90
Filter Hook: This filter filters the products request trial license confirmation text
Quelle 1: class-elmp-assets.php :100
Action Hook: This hook fires after the plugin is installed successfully
Quelle 1: class-elmp-install.php :166
Action Hook: This hook fires if the plugin has been updated
Quelle 1: class-elmp-install.php :182
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the creation of the directories and files should be skipped
Quelle 1: class-elmp-install.php :285
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the update functions should be used
Quelle 1: class-elmp-install.php :414
Filter Hook: This filter filters the URL to the plugin documentation
Quelle 1: class-elmp-install.php :490
Filter Hook: This filter filters the support URL
Quelle 1: class-elmp-install.php :500
Filter Hook: This filter filters the plugins REST API capabilities
Quelle 1: class-elmp-install.php :593
Filter Hook: This filter filters the plugins core capabilities
Quelle 1: class-elmp-install.php :668
Filter Hook: This filter filters the plugin tables
Quelle 1: class-elmp-install.php :815
Action Hook: This hook fires before the plugin load
Quelle 1: class-elmp.php :54
Action Hook: This hook fires after the plugin load
Quelle 1: class-elmp.php :70
Filter Hook: This filter filters includes (function files)
Quelle 1: class-elmp.php :135
Filter Hook: This filter filters the characters used to generate the distributor code
Quelle 1: class-elmp-distributor-code.php :244
Filter Hook: This filter filters the value that may need to be encrypted
Quelle 1: class-elmp-encryptor.php :58
Filter Hook: This filter filters the value that may need to be decrypted
Quelle 1: class-elmp-encryptor.php :94
Filter Hook: This filter filters the generation of the encryptor key (random ascii safe key)
Quelle 1: class-elmp-encryptor.php :167
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the encryptor supports auto insert delete of the key
Quelle 1: class-elmp-encryptor.php :201
Filter Hook: This filter filters all shortcodes
Quelle 1: class-elmp-shortcodes.php :47
Filter Hook: This filter filters all cron job hooks from the plugin
Quelle 1: class-elmp-cron-jobs.php :201
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the plugin is loadable
Quelle 1: class-elmp-dependencies.php :309
Filter Hook: This filter filters the plugin slug
Quelle 1: class-elmp-dependencies.php :368
Filter Hook: This filter filters the days the importer should retain the imports
Quelle 1: abstract-class-elmp-importer.php :138
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the provided import file should be checked if in valid format
Quelle 1: abstract-class-elmp-importer.php :171
Filter Hook: This filter filters the valid filetypes
Quelle 1: abstract-class-elmp-importer.php :199
Filter Hook: This filter filters the import data
Quelle 1: abstract-class-elmp-importer.php :279
Filter Hook: This filter filters if its a request to the REST API
Quelle 1: class-elmp-rest-api-authentication.php :290
Filter Hook: This filter filters the REST API routes
Quelle 1: class-elmp-rest-api.php :96
Filter Hook: This filter filters the REST API controller capability for the current user
Quelle 1: abstract-class-elmp-rest-api-controller.php :52
Filter Hook: This filter filters the REST API controller request consumer key
Quelle 1: abstract-class-elmp-rest-api-controller.php :509
Filter Hook: This filter filters the REST API controller request consumer secret
Quelle 1: abstract-class-elmp-rest-api-controller.php :538
Filter Hook: This filter filters the REST API controller response data
Quelle 1: abstract-class-elmp-rest-api-controller.php :639
Filter Hook: This filter filters the REST API login access token expiration time
Quelle 1: class-elmp-rest-api-v1-login.php :64
Filter Hook: This filter filters the REST API login refresh token expiration time
Quelle 1: class-elmp-rest-api-v1-login.php :74
Filter Hook: This filter filters the products REST API product download file
Quelle 1: class-elmp-rest-api-v1-products.php :610
Filter Hook: This filter filters the products REST API product last updated
Quelle 1: class-elmp-rest-api-v1-products.php :645
Filter Hook: This filter filters the generated product changelog based on the product releases
Quelle 1: class-elmp-rest-api-v1-products.php :683
Filter Hook: This filter filters the import generators URL
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-generators.php :196
Filter Hook: This filter filters the export generators URL
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-generators.php :220
Filter Hook: This filter filters the settings create REST API key URL
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-settings.php :99
Action Hook: This hook fires when there is a release view set but no view matching
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-releases.php :96
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the admin release output view redirect should be done or not
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-releases.php :106
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin releases create release URL
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-releases.php :424
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin releases edit release URL
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-releases.php :452
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin releases delete release URL
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-releases.php :484
Filter Hook: This filter filters the import releases URL
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-releases.php :508
Filter Hook: This filter filters the export releases URL
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-releases.php :532
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin AJAX process user search result
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-ajax.php :173
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin AJAX process distributor search result
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-ajax.php :211
Filter Hook: This filter filters the import distributors URL
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-distributors.php :172
Filter Hook: This filter filters the export distributors URL
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-distributors.php :196
Filter Hook: This filter filters the import licenses URL
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-licenses.php :174
Filter Hook: This filter filters the export licenses URL
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-licenses.php :198
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin products installed on delete product installed on URL
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-products-installed-on.php :163
Filter Hook: This filter filters the subscription settings
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-settings-subscriptions.php :70
Filter Hook: This filter filters the settings for a setting page
Quelle 1: class-elmp-admin-settings-subscriptions.php :153