Note: This is developer level documentation. Within the scope of our support policy, we cannot provide support for customizations unless they have been ordered through us. If you are not familiar with code / hooks and how to resolve possible conflicts, contact us for help.
Last generation: 21.02.2025 23:20:53 UTC
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin support tabs array
Source 1: support.php :15
Action Hook: This hook fires before the support output
Source 1: support.php :34
Action Hook: This hook fires during the support tabs output
Source 1: support.php :49
Action Hook: This hook fires during the support content output
Source 1: support.php :60
Action Hook: This hook fires after the support output
Source 1: support.php :69
Filter Hook: This filter filters the plugin icon for the updater - must be a SVG image
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-updater.php :87
Action Hook: This hook fires before the plugin load
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper.php :66
Action Hook: This hook fires after the plugin load
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper.php :84
Filter Hook: This filter filters includes (function files)
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper.php :129
Filter Hook: This filter filters the registered updatable products
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper.php :248
Filter Hook: This filter filters the expiration offset for a product
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper.php :414
Action Hook: This hook fires after the plugin is installed successfully
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-install.php :109
Action Hook: This hook fires if the plugin has been updated
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-install.php :125
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the update functions should be used
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-install.php :193
Filter Hook: This filter filters the URL to the plugin documentation
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-install.php :253
Filter Hook: This filter filters the plugin tables
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-install.php :278
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the encryptor supports auto insert delete of the key
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-encryptor.php :148
Filter Hook: This filter filters if the plugin is loadable
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-dependencies.php :60
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin screen IDS
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-admin.php :148
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin additional screen IDS
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-admin.php :169
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin page tabs array
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-admin-page-actions.php :50
Action Hook: This hook fires before an admin page action
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-admin-page-actions.php :58
Action Hook: This hook fires the admin page action
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-admin-page-actions.php :71
Action Hook: This hook fires after an admin page action
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-admin-page-actions.php :79
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin products table classes
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-admin-products-list-table.php :141
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin products list table no items message
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-admin-products-list-table.php :288
Filter Hook: This filter filters the current admin support page ID
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-admin-support-page.php :94
Filter Hook: This filter filters the current admin support ID
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-admin-support-debugger.php :82
Source 2: class-enwikuna-helper-admin-support-service-user.php :60
Source 3: class-enwikuna-helper-admin-support-function-executer.php :64
Filter Hook: This filter filters the admin support function executer files
Source 1: class-enwikuna-helper-admin-support-function-executer.php :44
Filter Hook: This filter filters the renewal URL of a product
Source 1: abstract-class-enwikuna-helper-product.php :293
Filter Hook: This filter filters the data store find query
Source 1: abstract-class-enwikuna-helper-data-store.php :108
Filter Hook: This filter filters the data store find by query
Source 1: abstract-class-enwikuna-helper-data-store.php :144
Filter Hook: This filter filters the data store find all query
Source 1: abstract-class-enwikuna-helper-data-store.php :183
Filter Hook: This filter filters the data store find all by query
Source 1: abstract-class-enwikuna-helper-data-store.php :228
Filter Hook: This filter filters the data store delete query
Source 1: abstract-class-enwikuna-helper-data-store.php :320
Filter Hook: This filter filters the data store count by query
Source 1: abstract-class-enwikuna-helper-data-store.php :394
Filter Hook: This filter filters the data store exists by query
Source 1: abstract-class-enwikuna-helper-data-store.php :429
Filter Hook: This filter filters the data store exists by query
Source 1: abstract-class-enwikuna-helper-data-store.php :681
Action Hook: This hook fires before a template gets loaded
Source 1: enwikuna-helper-core-functions.php :34
Action Hook: This hook fires after a template was loaded
Source 1: enwikuna-helper-core-functions.php :47
Filter Hook: This filter filters the missing DB tables
Source 1: enwikuna-helper-core-functions.php :169
Filter Hook: This filter filters the current page tab
Source 1: enwikuna-helper-core-functions.php :281
Filter Hook: This filter filters the prepared license host
Source 1: enwikuna-helper-core-functions.php :307