Manage licenses


To help you manage your licenses, we have provided you a table that will help you with this. You can find this table at Enwikuna License Manager > Licenses > Overview. Within the table there are several functions available, which we would like to explain in the next sections.

Enwikuna License Manager licenses

The licenses table has several columns, each of which contains the details of the licenses. The following columns are available:

License keyThis column contains the license key of a license. Click on the license key to copy it to the clipboard.
ProductThis column contains the assigned product.
OrderThis column contains the associated order of a license.
CustomerThis column contains the customer who owns the license.
Hosts (Pro)This column contains all hosts of a license, in case you have enabled this feature.
ActivationsThis column shows how many times a license has been activated and the maximum number of activations. Click on the column to display all associated license activations.
Expires atThis column shows when a license expires.
StatusThis column shows the current status of a license.
CreatedThis column shows when and by whom a license was created.
UpdatedThis column shows when and by whom a license was last updated.
Internal noteThis column shows whether an internal note has been saved for a license. Move the mouse over the icon to read the note.

Filter, Search & Sort

In order to make the administration of the licenses as simple as possible for you, we have built in various functions:

You will find a selection of filters above the table at the right of the bulk actions, which can help you to filter licenses according to corresponding filter criteria.

Enwikuna License Manager licenses table filter

Filter by status
If you want to display licenses in a particular status, you can click on the status between the table and the header. All licenses with exactly this status will now be displayed.

Enwikuna License Manager licenses table filter by status

If you want to find an explicit license inside the table, you can also use the search. Just enter the license key and start the search by pressing the button. You will now see exactly the license you were looking for (if it exists).

Enwikuna License Manager licenses table search

In addition to the filters, it is possible to sort the entries within the table. To do so, click on the blue highlighted headings of the columns. You can sort either ascending or descending.

Enwikuna License Manager licenses table sort

License actions

Each license within the table has actions that allow you to modify the license. To do this, move the mouse over a license entry inside the table. You will notice that an additional section becomes visible under the license key. Here you will find various information and entries:

Enwikuna License Manager licenses table actions

Probably the most important information is the ID that the license has. Under this ID, the license is stored within the database. An ID is always unique and can never exist twice.

View / Edit
The first and most important action is to view or edit a license. Click on the action to go to the view or edit page of a license. You can read how to edit an existing license below.

Via the Activate action, you can activate the license. This will open a new window where you can adjust the activation and must then confirm it. The activation will set the license status to Active.

You can lock a license using the Lock action. This has the effect that any interaction with the license is prohibited for the customer.

You can unlock a locked license by using the Unlock action. The customer can now interact again with the license.

You can delete the license using the Delete action.

Add a new license

If you want to add a new license, you can do it easily. To do this, click the Add button under Enwikuna License Manager > Licenses > Overview.

Enwikuna License Manager licenses add

A page will then open where you can define some settings:

License key
Define here the license key for the license.

Select here the type of the license. By default, a normal licenses will be created.

Select a product here, if you want to assign the license to a product.

Select an order here, if you want to assign the license to an order.

Select a customer here, if you want to assign the license to a customer.

Hosts (Pro)
Define here all hosts, which should be bound to the license. Add a new host by clicking on the + button. Click on the trash button to remove a host (the first line cannot be removed, only emptied).

Allowed activations
Define here how often the license can be activated. If you leave it blank, the license can be activated an unlimited number of times.

Expires at
Define when the license should expire. If you leave the field empty, it will not expire for the time being.

Select the status you want the license to have. By default, it has the status In stock.

Internal note
Write an internal note in here, which should be added to the license.

Finally, save the license by clicking the corresponding button.

Enwikuna License Manager Lizenz hinzufügen

View / edit an existing license

If you want to view or edit an existing license, you can do this easily. To do this, move the mouse over a license entry in the table and then click View / Edit.

Enwikuna License Manager licenses table action view edit

A page will then open where you can view and edit the settings of a license:

The ID under which the license was stored within the database.

License key
The license key of a license. This cannot be changed once it has been created.

Select here the type of the license. By default, a normal licenses will be created.

Select a product here, if you want to assign the license to a product.

Select an order here, if you want to assign the license to an order.

Select a customer here, if you want to assign the license to a customer.

Hosts (Pro)
Define here all hosts, which should be bound to the license. Add a new host by clicking on the + button. Click on the trash button to remove a host (the first line cannot be removed, only emptied).

Allowed activations
Define here how often the license can be activated. If you leave it blank, the license can be activated an unlimited number of times.

Expires at
Define when the license should expire. If you leave the field empty, it will not expire for the time being.

Upgraded at
Shows when a license was upgraded from a trial license to a normal license (only visible in this case).

Select the status you want the license to have. By default, it has the status In stock.

Internal note
Write an internal note in here, which should be added to the license.

Save the license afterwards via the corresponding button, if you have made changes.

Enwikuna License Manager Lizenz bearbeiten

Delete an existing license

If you want to delete an existing license, you can do this in three ways. Either via the bulk actions (we describe this procedure below), in the license itself, or via the Delete license action. To do this, move the mouse over a license entry in the table and then click Delete.

Enwikuna License Manager licenses table action delete

Generate new licenses

If you want to generate new licenses, e.g. to refill your stock, you can do this easily. To do this, click the Generate button under Enwikuna License Manager > Licenses > Overview.

Enwikuna License Manager Lizenzen generieren

A page will then open where you can define some settings:

Choose which generator should be used for generation. If you don’t have a generator yet, you have to create one first.

By default, one license will always be generated. If you want to generate more than one, you must enter the amount you need here.

Select here the type of the generated licenses. By default, normal licenses are always generated.

Select a product here if you want to assign the generated licenses to a product.

Select an order here, if you want to assign the generated licenses to an order.

Select a customer here if you want to assign the generated licenses to a customer.

Hosts (Pro)
Define here all hosts, which should be bound to the generated licenses. Add a new host by clicking on the + button. Click on the trash button to remove a host (the first line cannot be removed, only emptied).

Select here the status that all generated licenses should have. By default, they have the status In stock.

Internal note
Write an internal note in here, which should be added to all generated licenses.

All other parameters, which you know from the page for adding a license, are set in the generator itself. Finally, start the generation by clicking the corresponding button.

Enwikuna License Manager Lizenzen generieren

Bulk actions

In order to manage multiple licenses, we have provided some bulk actions. You can find them at the beginning and at the end of the table. Mark all entries which you want to address via a bulk action.

Enwikuna License Manager licenses table bulk actions

The following bulk actions are available:

Select the bulk action Lock if you want to lock all selected entries. As a result, any interaction with the customers’ licenses will be prevented.

Select the bulk action Unlock if you want to unlock all selected entries. Customers can now interact again with the licenses.

Mark as “In stock”
Select the bulk action Mark as “In stock” if you want to set all selected entries to this status.

Mark as “Trial approved”
Select the bulk action Mark as “Trial approved if you want to set all selected entries to this status.

Mark as “Sold”
Select the bulk action Mark as “Sold” if you want to set all selected entries to this status.

Mark as “Delivered”
Select the bulk action Mark as “Delivered” if you want to set all selected entries to this status.

Select the bulk action Delete if you want to delete all selected entries.

Finally, confirm the execution of the bulk action by clicking the corresponding button.

Import licenses (Pro)

In case you have Enwikuna License Manager Pro installed, you can import licenses. To do this, click the Import button under Enwikuna License Manager > Licenses. Please note that no activations can be imported, as these are always page-bound!

Enwikuna License Manager Lizenzen importieren

This opens the Importer, which is responsible for importing licenses. Now select a CSV or TXT file containing licenses. Next, decide whether you want to update existing licenses or not.

You can also perform an advanced import by opening the advanced options. You can alternatively specify a path to a CSV or TXT file on your server instead of selecting the file locally. You can also change the delimiter if you want to use a different delimiter. By default, a , is used as a delimiter.

Finally, start the import process by clicking the corresponding button.

Enwikuna License Manager Lizenzen importieren

You will find a sample-data folder inside the Enwikuna License Manager Pro plugin folder. Inside this folder we have placed a sample file for you, which you can use as a template. Alternatively, you can of course create a license by hand and then export that license, which will give you your own template.

Export licenses (Pro)

In case you have Enwikuna License Manager Pro installed, you can export licenses. To do this, click the Export button under Enwikuna License Manager > Licenses. Please note that no activations can be exported, as these are always page-bound!

Enwikuna License Manager Lizenzen exportieren

This opens the Exporter, which is responsible for exporting licenses. Now select the data you want to export. By default, all license data will be exported.

Now, start the export by clicking on the corresponding button.

Enwikuna License Manager Lizenzen exportieren

Your licenses should now be exported.