How can I disable the email notifications?

Enwikuna License Manager itself does not provide a way to disable email notifications. However, you can disable the corresponding emails directly in the WooCommerce settings. To do so, open the settings of WooCommerce and go to the Emails settings item.

Here you will find an overview of all emails that are sent within WooCommerce. In this list you will also find the emails sent by Enwikuna License Manager:

  • New trial license request (Admin)
  • New trial license (Admin)
  • Distributor code redeemed (Admin)
  • Trial license request unapproved (Customer)
  • Trial license (Customer)
  • Licenses (license key delivery to the customer)
  • License expires soon (Customer)
  • License expired (Customer)

By clicking on an email, a settings window for this email opens. There you can specify whether the email should be sent or not.